Choreographed circus - Florence Caillon
Cirque chorégraphié - Florence Caillon
L’EOLIENNE est une compagnie conventionnée par le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
DRAC Normandie, le Conseil régional de Normandie et la Ville de Rouen.
Les projets sont régulièrement soutenus par le CG 76 - Seine Maritime et l’ODIA Normandie.
Chorale for 5 trapezes – 201 creation – 2017 recreation
The term "just-in-time" is an industry-specific production standard, also referred to as "five zeros", corresponding to zero failure, zero lead time, zero paper, zero inventory and zero defect. In response to this ideology of ultra-control and perfection, Florence Caillon endeavors to choreograph errors, flaws, weaknesses; she breaks down the movements, uses slowness, tremors, falls, and has fun with all the little unknown and hidden movements of this circus discipline: the trapeze.
In a sober and radical aesthetic, Flux Tendu stages five trapezes and a continuous rhythm subjected to a constant and imperceptible acceleration. With meticulous work on the decomposition of movement and acrobatic posture, Florence Caillon here continues her acro-choreographic exploration, develops a way of moving in the air that deconstructs traditional body paths, and enriches the vocabulary of the trapeze discipline with a new language.
Flux Tendu can be performed as a diptych, as the second part of Souffle.