Choreographed circus - Florence Caillon
Cirque chorégraphié - Florence Caillon
L’EOLIENNE est une compagnie conventionnée par le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
DRAC Normandie, le Conseil régional de Normandie et la Ville de Rouen.
Les projets sont régulièrement soutenus par le CG 76 - Seine Maritime et l’ODIA Normandie.
DeNous (OfUs)
L'Eolienne & Le Théâtre de Sartrouville - CDN
DeNous is a journey through life as a couple. Reunion? Last embrace before separation?
Plunging glances, tender gestures, impulses, falls, attention to the other, compromises, renouncements, negotiations, body throws and absurd games... DeNous is at the border between tenderness and violence, where the bodies sometimes listen to each other or else confront each other, carry each other, fly away or reject each other.
Being be carried away in a common movement, falling and getting up together, coming back to oneself, confronting the other, letting oneself be carried and then carry in turn. Forces, tensions, propulsions, falls or releases on the other's body. In a haunting waltz, return to the basics of two bodies that evolve together, seeking balance and respect for their individuality.