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Création 27
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> Dossier de production

To the music of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake rearranged by Florence Caillon into a current musical score, five circus dancers form an astonishing community of swans.

Between illusion of love and recognition of the other, Florence Caillon offers this mythical ballet a circus and contemporary version, enriched by a great novelty of movement.

Both a film music composer and a circus artist, initiator of a choreographed circus, Florence Caillon invites you to dive back into the imagination of this ballet by further strengthening the links between circus movement, choreography and music.

Solos, duets, trios, group movements, are inspired alternately by animal and human behavior, and explore the links that unite living beings and found their relationships.

This lake, metaphor of our world on a small scale, tells the story of the fragility of life, and reminds us of our interdependence with the living world as a whole.

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