Choreographed circus - Florence Caillon
Cirque chorégraphié - Florence Caillon
L’EOLIENNE est une compagnie conventionnée par le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
DRAC Normandie, le Conseil régional de Normandie et la Ville de Rouen.
Les projets sont régulièrement soutenus par le CG 76 - Seine Maritime et l’ODIA Normandie.
Around us the world is changing, quickly, very quickly. Something seems to be escaping us. Instability, short-termness and temporariness seem to have taken hold of our days. Who decides these changes? With what impact on our lives? How can citizens be actors? I thought to myself that it would be easier to understand our world by looking at the workings of those who dominate it...
I have often felt a distortion between the real world, the one I see every day, and the world told to us by the mainstream media. I became interested in the human relationships that arise from these rapid changes, from these conflicts of interest, from these divergences of lives, of thoughts.
I also got interested in the place of investigative journalism and particularly in the case of Denis Robert, which seems fascinating to me on several levels: to reveal, to popularize as much as possible the functioning of international finance, to evoke the occult part of the movements of money ( unpublished accounts, offshore accounts, tax havens, flight of capital, spoliation of states, money laundering ...) and the dysfunctions of the official press. I discovered the business world, volatile, lying, sometimes criminal.
L'Iceberg deals with the instabilities of the world, the manipulations, human relations in an unstable world, our relationship to power, the domination of finance, information, and with our room for maneuver in terms of freedom to write and speak.